Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Weather Conditions on school days UPDATE

Dear Students & Families: November 21, 2014

Once again we are approaching the time of year when weather might influence the school day.  The primary factor in determining whether to alter the school day in response to weather conditions is student safety.  The day may be affected in three ways.
  1. School delayed one hour
  2. School delayed two hours
  3. School closed

If we are able to open school, we seldom close early due to inclement weather.  The local and state road crews know when the afternoon buses depart from school.  We need to allow them an opportunity to service the roads.

The following factors will be considered when making a decision about the school day due to inclement weather:
  1. Are the roads/highways safely passable?
  2. Can pedestrians (on the way to and at school) move around safely?
  3. Can the building exits be cleared in the event we need to evacuate?  Being able to get into a building does not necessarily mean we can efficiently evacuate a building.
  4. Can the buses travel safely?

There will be occasions when school remains open in less than ideal weather conditions. When this happens, we have particular concern for the welfare of our teenage drivers.  We know that icy and snow covered roads are a challenge for any driver.  Please be very deliberate before allowing a young driver to leave for school in inclement weather.

When school is in session, if you feel road conditions are unsafe to send your child to school, you always have the freedom to keep your child home for the day.

When there is a change in the school day, the announcement will be broadcast on radio, local TV and online at www.sover.net/schoolclosings and www.cesu.k12.vt.us .  A message will also be delivered via email and/or phone to individuals who have signed up for the Blackboard Connect 5 Emergency Notification System.  Please contact your school to specify phone numbers and email addresses to be used by the Emergency Notification System, if you wish to participate or have a change in contact information.

John R. Alberghini
Superintendent of Schools

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