Wednesday, March 30, 2016

COLOR DAY this Friday!

Celebrate School Spirit Day!
Friday 4/1/16
Wear your "class color"
You can be head to toe in your class color
Or just a little splash of color!
(t-shirt, hair tie, shoes, pants!)
Pre-K/ red
Parker/ orange
Godin/ red
C-R/ yellow
Linder/ black
Carter/ green
Motta/ blue
Aitken/ purple

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Calling ALL Batteries!!!

Do you have used, "dead" batteries 
lying around your home??
PLEASE bring them to school SOON!
The Student Council is still collecting batteries for another week, until Thursday 3/31.
Just drop them off in the front hallway at school.

All batteries will be recycled at CSWD and will not make their way to the landfill!
Thanks for helping us protect our Earth!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

District Math Information Night for Parents
Tuesday, March 22nd from 6:00-7:30 pm
at Browns River Middle School

This evening is for parents and guardians. Come discover some of the research on how children learn and how this translates into the teaching in our classrooms!
This is an evening for parents. Math leaders will talk about the progression of math, our programs, the K-12 continuum, what students are learning 
and how we are supporting students and teachers in our schools, 
as well as what parents can do and know to support this work.
**** Please note start time, it is 6:00 pm... their was a typo on the first flyer****

Friday, March 11, 2016

Springtime in Vermont. 
Can't get enough of learning  about our states most favorite spring tradition, maple sugaring!
                                           Math, science, curiosity and fun!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Mathematicians reaching individual goals!

Each week at All School Morning Meeting students are recognized
for achieving their individual math goals.
Students in grades 2, 3 and 4
work on addition, subtraction, multiplication 
and finally division facts to improve fact fluency.
Students feel a great sense of pride 
when they are awarded a certificate recognizing their hard work!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Late Start next Wednesday, March 9th

Just a reminder
Next Wednesday, March 9th
is a late start day.
School starts at 9:40 a.m.
***** Please remember to mark your calendar. *****

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

School CLOSED Wednesday, March 2nd due to WEATHER

BPMS and all schools in 
Chittenden East will be 
Wednesday, March 2nd
Sandy Heyman received the Olga Hallock Award at town meeting on Tuesday, March 1st.
Congratulations Sandy!
An honor well deserved.

Boy Scouts selling baked goods at Town Meeting Day!